Seagoing Expeditions
2019 - DY099 on RRS Discovery – South Sandwich Islands, Southern Ocean.
2016 - Nekton expedition on CCGS Hudson – seamounts from Nova Scotia to Bermuda, Atlantic Ocean.
2016 - JC136 on RRS James Cook – seamounts NW of the UK, Atlantic Ocean.
2016 - YK16.02 on Yokosuka – hydrothermal vents on the Central Indian Ridge, Indian Ocean.
2014 - BP Exploration Angola on MV Ocean Explorer – benthic habitats off Angola, Atlantic Ocean.
2011 - JC55 on RRS James Cook – hydrothermal vents off Antarctic peninsula & Scotia Sea, Southern Ocean.
2010 - JC42 on RRS James Cook – hydrothermal vents in Scotia Sea, Southern Ocean.
2009 - Serpent survey on Stena Carron – benthic and video sampling, Faroe-Shetland Channel, Atlantic Ocean.
2009 - Serpent survey on Leiv Eiriksson – benthic and video sampling, Norwegian Sea, Atlantic Ocean.
2009 - Serpent survey on Leiv Eiriksson – benthic and video sampling, Norwegian Sea, Atlantic Ocean.